There is an HOA/Condo Association Crisis

Are you one of the many homeowners who are concerned about the exorbitant fees being required to do repairs on older buildings? The saying “Pay me now or pay me later “ is very appropriate here. The simple fact is that if basic electrical maintenance was performed on these properties throughout the years, many large and costly repairs could have been avoided.

So what can be done to avoid future crises?

Here is the solution:

  1. Set up a Preventative Maintenance Program. Basically this is a written routine that is done on a scheduled time frame. The purpose is to fix things before they get out of control.
  2. Set up a Predictive Maintenance Program. This is also a written routine that is done on a schedule. The difference here is that specialized equipment is used to evaluate building components like electrical panels, motors, pumps, roofs, plumbing and structural systems. Proper testing and tracking of results enables us to determine problems early on before they are out of control and can be easily managed.
  3. Take action. Make repairs as soon as they are found. This is the proven method that is most cost effective. A small amount of money spent up front avoids large expenses later.

The problem with many condominiums today is that these procedures were never implemented. The result was low maintenance fees for many years that homeowners have grown accustomed to. If small investments were made; the high costs of today could have been avoided. I suggest consulting with experienced professionals in the various trades, including electricians, and setting up these programs now, rather than later.

Other benefits include:

  • Maintenance of property values
  • Quality of life, living in a well maintained and safe property
  • Avoidance of costly emergency breakdowns

This may seem mind boggling to you, but it is easy to us, and we can walk you through the process! Please feel free to call Excel Electrical Group in Coral Springs, FL if you have any questions or to schedule a consultation. We can be reached at 954-344-6763.

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